Last week, for my Arts & Craft workshop (age 4-7), we talked about the U.S. States of Hawaii and made some colourful Hawaiian leis for someone we care about! I like to start every workshop with a simple and fun warm-up drawing exercise. For this workshop, I asked the kids to draw someone that they would like to make the flower lei for. Kids made drawings of their mum, dad, friends, teachers... and I just adore how kids get super excited when they talk about someone they love. So sweet and beautiful.

If you would also like to try this activity with your children, you can download the activity sheet here:

To make the Hawaiian Lei, we used:
- Cupcake Liners
- Beads
- Straws
- Paper
- Elastic String
Feel free to use other materials to make the lei extra gorgeous. I think it would be cute if you also add some pom-poms, fabric scraps and natural materials like leaves and seashells.
If you end up making one with your children, I'd love to see it! So do tag me on my Instagram account @collectionaise :-)