1. Potato Stamp Tulip Art
This artwork is made using something that you probably always have in your fridge - potatoes!! I love making stamps with potatoes, they are super easy to make and your kids will love stamping! All you need to do is cut a potato in half and carve out shapes. We used acrylic paint to stamp but watercolours and stamp pads also work! Give it a go and let us know how you went xx

2. Paper Plate Banksia Flower
I lived in Australia for a long time and I have been very fortunate to experience its amazing nature. Banksia is an Australian native plant and I am in love with its appearance. Have you ever seen it? This paper plate flower is super easy to make and you can see how we made it here:
3. Paper Plate Flower
It's amazing what you can make with a paper plate. Learn to make a simple paper flower using a paper plate. What to do with the flower you make? We made ours into a cute headpiece.

4. Ladybug Card
Is your child into ladybugs? Is he/she open to having one in their palms? My toddler is keen to find one but does not want to get near one... But she has a friend who is fascinated by the ladybugs, so we decided to make this card for her. We used split pins on the wings so they can open and close. Why not let your child make one for his/her friend and make their day!

5. Nature Stamping
This is one of my favourite spring activity. Enjoy the warm spring weather and go outside while keeping a safe distance from each other. Take your kids to a park and collect some twigs, leaves and flowers. Using an air-dry ceramic clay, stamp your spring findings. Let your creation dry for at least 24 hours before painting.

6. DIY Bird Feeder
We made these DIY Bird Feeder for our little garden. Hoping to have many cute guests this spring season.
What You Need: - 6 Gelatin Sheets - 200 ml Boiled Water - 500 g Bird Seeds - Cupcake Mold or Other Molds - Oven Paper - Straws (1) You need to soak the gelatin sheets in cold water for 5 minutes. (2) Pour 200 ml boiled water and mix well. (3) Mix the liquid and bird seeds. (4) Press the mix into a mold of your choice. You need to stick a piece of straw in the center so you can put a string through once the feeder is solid. (5) Put the feeder in a fridge for at least 3 hours. Keep in mind that this feeder doesn't do well in heat as it uses gelatin. So it's not meant for hot summer weather!

7. Paper Mache Cat Garden Stakes
My daughter adores cats. She's a proper crazy cat lady. She carries around her cat cuddle toy EVERYWHERE. So the idea of making these garden stakes was super easy sell. To make this garden stake, all we did was roll a newspaper into a shape of a cat, then coated it with strips of newspaper and paper mache paste (1/2 water, 1/2 flour and 1/4 liquid glue). Colour them with bright colours to welcome spring into your home.

8. Egg Carton Flowers
It's amazing what you can make with household recycling. These flowers are made using egg cartons!

9. Butterfly Suncatcher
As warmer brighter days increase, suncatchers make an amazing fun craft project. All you need to do is paste some coloured cello paper on a transparent paper. Your kids will love the result!

10. DIY Cardboard Butterfly Wings
This is a all-time favourite craft activity for girls. My toddler and her friends loved making these butterfly wings. I also organized few workshops featuring these butterfly wings and the participants loved it.
