I have always been a bit of a sucker for a good packaging design. I enjoy looking at the artwork being used in a product, especially the label designs of craft beers and whiskies. I like how a product packaging can become so iconic that consumers start recognising a product or a brand just by looking at a certain feature of a product like its shape, colour, character and font. A good example that constantly appear on a marketing textbook is Coca-Cola and its iconic bottle shape.
One of my favourite packaging design is Kellogg's cereal boxes. We try to stay away from these cereals as they contain SO MUCH sugar. But I still like the design. I bought some packs of Kellogg's mini cereals, along with some small packs of long life milk, for our recent trip to the northern part of the Netherlands. My daughter is an early riser and usually the cafes in the Netherlands are not open around the time she wakes up. So I carried around these mini boxes just in case she starts nagging.
Anyhow, I kept the empty boxes so I can use them in my crafting. My daughter loves to draw nowadays so I thought I'll make her mini notebooks using the cereal boxes and some paper packaging material I have stocked up from my online purchases... These notebooks are perfect to just pop it in your mama bag with some crayons, something to keep your little ones busy while you sit and drink a cup of coffee outside (or am I dreaming?).
What You Need:
Empty cereal box
Few sheets of paper (I used 6 sheets, which became 12 after folding)
Cutting blade
Foldback clip
Eyelet or ice pick
Sewing needle
Thread (I used an embroidery thread)
Step 1: Disassemble the cereal box and make it flat.

Step 2: Cut off the top and bottom flaps.

Step 3: Cut the paper for the inside (inserts) to match the size of the cereal box.

Step 4: Fold all sheets of paper in half.

Step 5: Clip the insert and the cover together. And using an eyelet or an ice pick, puncture 3 holes at the top, middle and bottom.

Step 6: Stitch through the 3 holes.

Step 7: Fold the notebook. You'll see that there are some excess paper that sticks out out of the cover. Cut these off using a sharp cutting blade.

Optional: Tape some adorable washi tapes to hide the folding and stitches.

And we are done! Enjoy your new notebook made out of 100% recycled material! If you get around to making one, do share your creation with us. We would love to see it! Email hello@collectionaise.com or send us a message via instagram @collectionaise.